In April, together with high school classmates who graduated with me in 1961, we created the "Argentopia" group on WhatsApp to discuss and consolidate our experiences, exchange ideas from our various political biases and ability to discuss with longtime good friends, and using the new artificial intelligence tool, ChatGPT-4, together with the theory of constraints, visualize an Argentina like the one we always dreamed of and will probably never see.
In the run-up to the elections, it is essential to present our proposal for Argentopia, a promising alternative for our nation. The main candidates on November 19 show disconnect with a large part of the electorate. The behavior of one creates doubts about his commitment to institutional stability, and the other seems unwilling to confront the corruption and bureaucracy that aggravate poverty and division. Argentopía offers a plan that strengthens our institutions and aims for sustainable development, shared prosperity and social justice, seeking to turn hope into reality.
The next president has the choice of remaining tied to his biography and partisan commitments or choosing the course of Argentopia for the collective benefit and national greatness. This is the way to gain the confidence that can motivate Argentines to invest in their country, and also attract healthy foreign investment to Argentina.
Click the button below to read the full Argentopia report and contact me at with any questions or comments!